Version 3.0
User's Guide

Commands: Unconditional

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Specifying <HIDE> in your document will hide any text, links, etc. in your document until you specify otherwise. HIDE is unconditional; when you use HIDE, text following the command is hidden from all users, all of the time. This command is most often used to set up a conditional SHOW command, when you want to display a portion of a page only in certain circumstances.


Specifying <SHOW> makes all following HTML text viewable by all users, all the time.

For example, this cloaked document:

    Here is my HTML text.
    <HIDE>    This will never be seen by anyone.
    <SHOW>    This is the end.

Is the exact same as this HTML:

    Here is my HTML text.
    This is the end.

The SHOW command is most often used to set up a conditional HIDE command, or to turn text display back on for all user after a HIDE command.

NetCloak's HIDE and SHOW commands make it possible to include notes or comments in your HTML documents that won't be revealed to users if they view or save the source of the document from their browser.


The FLIPMODE command, which accepts no parameters, simply changes the current mode from SHOW to HIDE, or vise-versa. It is handy when you want to display one of two possible sections of HTML with IF/THEN/ELSE logic. For example, if you have two HTML snippets, one for table-compliant browsers and one for others, you could:

    <HIDE><SHOW_CLIENT !SupportsTables>    Table tags go here!
    <FLIPMODE>    This is visible only to browsers that don't support tables:

In this case, FLIPMODE doesn't save much, but it can be very handy when you have created a complex condition and simply want to turn on the faucet for everyone else.

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